- Springtime Wishes Thin Cuts are Sold Out (no back order available)
- Spring Critters Thin Cuts (Z3207) will likely sell out by the end of the month
- My Anchor Thin Cuts (Z3202) and the
- Stuck on You Thin Cuts (Z3200) are still available for the moment
If you thought about getting one of these remaining thin cuts, make
sure to order them A.S.A.P! Stock is getting
limited fast and there is no guarantee they will be available until the end of
On general remark about these Season Expressions Book’s which are
introduced three times a year and work alongside with our Annual Idea Book.
While items in the Annual Idea Book will be available for an entire year,
products from the Seasonal Expressions Book’s are limited and can sell out
before the book ends. This means, if you find some interesting products in the
seasonal books make sure to order them early while products are in full stock.
Please email me with any questions you might have. You can check out
the current books and/ or place your order on my website….Click Here!
I hope this little update will help you with your future planning of products
you might like to buy. You can place single order or if you have a bunch of
friends that would like to join you…have a party or schedule an online gathering/
party and receive free products in return.
Have a wonderful weekend
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